Accused of stabbing brother in row over dead father’s estate

Laganside Court.Laganside Court.
Laganside Court.
A Co Down man allegedly stabbed and bit his brother in a row over their late father’s estate, the High Court heard today.

Colin Wilkinson, 43, is accused of inflicting wounds to his sibling’s head and arms during the family dispute.

He claims to have acted in self-defence after being confronted at his home last week.

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Wilkinson, of Audleys Close in Newtownards, faces a charge of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Prosecution counsel Mark Conlon told a bail application police discovered the defendant and his two brothers, all apparently covered in blood, at the address on January 15.

The other two men had gone to the property as part of ongoing tensions about managing and dividing their recently deceased father’s estate, the court heard.

“It’s alleged there was a melee between them, the applicant lifted a knife and proceeded to stab (one of) his brother(s) on a number of occasions,” Mr Conlon said.

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“He was left with some injuries to his head and arms, along with a bite mark to his ear and one of his fingers which were attributed to his brother, the applicant.”

The alleged victim was taken to the Ulster Hospital, where he received stitches to his wounds.

In police interviews Colin Wilkinson denied causing the injuries, claiming that he had been cut after his brother lifted the knife.

Defence barrister Stuart Magee argued that the accused and his late father had both lived at the address for a number of years.

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Raising counter-allegations, he contended: “The brothers went there specifically to confront him about the issue they were having about their father’s estate.”

Mr Magee stressed how Colin Wilkinson also required stitches for a cut to the hand.

“He has made a self-defence case,” the lawyer added.

“This was not an altercation he sought out, or a case where he armed himself with a knife and went to their homes.”

Granting bail to the defendant, Mr Justice Colton imposed conditions which include a ban on any contact with his brothers.

The judge commented: “This is a most unfortunate and tragic incident.”