Accused of threatening suspected paramilitary

Court reportCourt report
Court report
A man accused of threatening a suspected paramilitary is on a mission to “out” those he blames for attacking him, the High Court heard today.

Robert Beck, 57, allegedly defied a ban on contacting the other man as part of his response to being “persecuted” and forced out of a south Belfast estate.

Beck, currently of no fixed abode, is forbidden from intimidating, pestering or harassing the other man.

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He is charged with breaching that restraining order by phoning him on January 11.

Prosecution counsel said: “He alleges that Mr Beck made a threat to him that he was going to get him.”

It was claimed that when arrested and cautioned Beck replied: “They are desperate to keep me off the street.”

He accepted phoning the other man, but disputes any intention to harass him.

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He also denied telling him: “You are still a target, I’m going to get you.”

The case is linked to claims that Beck was attacked and stabbed by paramilitaries on the Belvoir estate in January last year.

Seeking bail for his client, defence barrister Aaron Thompson told the court he had “rubbed up against the wrong people” and was forced to leave the area.

“Rather than some people who would run in terror, Mr Beck has taken the view that he wants to out those people who are trying to persecute him,” Mr Thompson submitted.

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“It is contact trying to arrange the lifting of what is perceived to be a paramilitary threat.”

He added: “Mr Beck seems to fall in that very unusual category of person who is just going to say ‘No, enough is enough. I’m not relying on police or anybody else, I’m going to meet this head on, I’m going to contact you and say you have no right to behave this way, I’m going to challenge you about it’.”

A PSNI sergeant confirmed the complainant is known to police.

Asked by the judge if the other man was regarded as vulnerable, the officer replied: “He could probably look after himself.

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“The only worry we have is we don’t know what Mr Beck is capable of. He’s essentially a man on a mission.”

Expressing sympathy for Beck’s situation, the sergeant claimed “prison doesn’t seem to scare him”.

“He’s very strong-minded in outing these individuals,” he said.

“Okay, he’s making allegations against other people, but they are still members of the community that the police service is obliged to try to protect.”

Mr Justice McFarland said he was minded to grant bail, but adjourned the case until an approved address is confirmed.

Beck is also set to be banned from entering certain areas or using social media.