Acting PSNI deputy chief constable Stephen Martin makes last post as a serving member of the PSNI

Screenshot of the Stephen Martin TweetScreenshot of the Stephen Martin Tweet
Screenshot of the Stephen Martin Tweet
Acting PSNI deputy chief constable Stephen Martin has just posted his last Tweet as a serving member of the PSNI.

He says: "My final tweet as a police officer.

"I loved every day of my 34 years service.

"Often challenging, at times heart breaking but always a privilege.

"I remember with pride & sadness my fallen colleagues &, in particular, my Dad, who died on duty 27 years ago & who inspired me to join."

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The post comes not long after he spoke about taking legal advice when he was not shortlisted for the permanent role of deputy chief constable.

Stephen Martin said the process needed to be rigorously fair.

Mr Martin told the BBC: "These processes need to be rigorously fair, they need to be lawful.

"If that were not the case I would certainly be shocked and grossly disappointed and would feel considerably let down.

"I have taken legal advice and the board are aware of that now."