Body discovered in burning car

Gardai attended the scene in the Mount Andrew area in Lucan on Monday evening after a body was discovered in a burning car. PA Photo.Gardai attended the scene in the Mount Andrew area in Lucan on Monday evening after a body was discovered in a burning car. PA Photo.
Gardai attended the scene in the Mount Andrew area in Lucan on Monday evening after a body was discovered in a burning car. PA Photo.
A body has been discovered in a car on fire in Lucan.

Gardai attended the scene in the Mount Andrew area on Monday evening.

Emergency services were called to the estate in Co Dublin.

Gardai said: "A body was subsequently discovered in the car. The scene has been sealed off for examination."

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Councillor Shane Moynihan said he was horrified to hear of a suspected violent shooting in Mount Andrew on Monday evening.

He said: "This estate is home to many young families. Particularly violent crime like this is unacceptable, and we will not tolerate it in our community.

"Thinking of the victim and all those affected."

Independent councillor Alan Hayes said it was a shocking incident in a normally peaceful neighbourhood.

He added: "My thoughts are with all affected by this and indeed the challenge for parents having to explain to kids in morning."