Charlotte Murray murder: Family begs killer to reveal location of body

Charlotte Murray went missing seven years agoCharlotte Murray went missing seven years ago
Charlotte Murray went missing seven years ago
The family of a Co Tyrone woman who was murdered by her ex-fiance seven years ago has appealed to her killer to “do the decent thing” and reveal where his victim’s remains are located.

The body of Charlotte Murray, 34, from Omagh, has never been found. But today at Dungannon Crown Court a jury found that Johnny Miller, from Redford Park in Dungannon, killed her some time between October 31 and November 2, 2012.

The 48-year-old chef was the last person to see Ms Murray alive.

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Miller insisted throughout the four-week trial that he did not kill Ms Murray and he did not believe she was dead. But after weighing up the evidence in the case, the jury was unanimous in its guilty verdict.

Speaking outside court, Charlotte’s twin sister Denise said: “Today we have received justice for our sister Charlotte. It is a day our family, and especially our mother, have waited patiently for.”

She thanked the jurors for their decision, adding: “We still don’t have Charlotte back. We are now appealing to Mr Miller ‘do the decent thing, the honourable thing and let us know where Charlotte’s body is so we can bring her home’.

“We would appeal to anyone who has information as to the whereabouts of Charlotte’s remains to make contact with the police so she can be returned home and let us grieve properly.”

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Miller was told by the judge that he must serve life in prison.

A hearing is due to take place next month to set the jail term he must serve.

Reacting to the outcome of the trial, detectives from the PSNI’s Major Investigation Team welcomed the conviction of Miller for Ms Murray’s murder.

Detective Chief Inspector Eamonn Corrigan said: “I welcome today’s conviction of 48-year-old John Miller for the murder of Charlotte Murray.

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“However, Charlotte’s family still need to have her body home so they can give her a proper burial. They haven’t seen her for seven years and deserve to be allowed to say goodbye to her.”

Urging the public to help, he added: “I would appeal to anyone who knows where Charlotte’s body is to come forward and give the information to police so that we can return her to her family.

“Anyone with information should contact detectives on 101 or alternatively phone Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”