Church thieves smeared excrement on organ and pages from Bible

The damage caused to the organ in the Church of Ireland building in LondonderryThe damage caused to the organ in the Church of Ireland building in Londonderry
The damage caused to the organ in the Church of Ireland building in Londonderry
Scenes of human defecation were found inside a Church of Ireland building after the premises was broken into by two men, a court has heard.

One of the men defecated inside the church’s boiler room and human excrement was smeared on the church organ and on pages which had been ripped from a Bible.

The disclosures were made at a plea and sentencing hearing in Londonderry Crown Court.

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Two men from the city, Harry Duffy, 25, from Elmwood Terrace and James Anthony Kennedy, 24, from Glenside Park, admitted burgling the church’s Christ Church building at Northland Road.

They also admitted stealing items including a crystal decanter, a surplice and a set of reader’s robes, and damaging church fittings and fixtures.

A prosecution barrister told Judge Philip Babington that the incidents occurred on September 12, 2017.

In total an estimated £75,000 worth of damage was caused by the defendants, who both had previously clear records, for which the diocesan insurers had paid £58,500.

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He said it was accepted by the prosecution that it was not a hate crime motivated by sectarianism.

The defendants had removed metal mesh covering a 19th century stained glass window, smashed the window and entered the church. They then damaged the church organ, smeared excrement on it and on pages they ripped from a Bible, and stole items of a sentimental value. None of the stolen items were ever recovered.

The barrister said CCTV footage from the scene showed the defendants entering the church grounds at 8am. They left the scene at 10.24am with Duffy carrying a rucksack which it’s believed contained the stolen items. Both men then returned to the church at 11.15am before leaving it two hours later. Blood found at the scene matched Duffy’s DNA and an imprint matched Kennedy’s footwear.

Three weeks later when police searched Kennedy’s home they seized his mobile phone and on its history found that Kennedy had gone onto the diocesan Facebook page and viewed photographs of the damage he and Duffy had caused to the church.

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Defence barrister Sean Doherty said Duffy had sustained a serious brain injury when a child which had impacted on his cognitive abilities.

He said Duffy was an extremely disturbed man who had a learning disability and who told his GP that he heard voices. Mr Doherty said Duffy, because of his mental disabilities, had a limited understanding of the sanctity of church.

“His parents are at a loss as to what can be done for him and they are deeply concerned about his ability to cope in a prison surrounding,” he said.

Kennedy’s defence barrister Stephen Mooney said it was a hateful offence, but not a hate offence. He said Kennedy, who has an IQ of 109, was an intelligent person who had dropped out of the education system when young as a result of “merciless bullying”.

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He said Kennedy’s stepfather had often beaten him and when a child Kennedy locked himself in his bedroom to avoid another beating.

Both men will be sentenced next Tuesday and were released on continuing bail until then.