Female inmate at Hydebank threatened to slice and smash head of nurse

A female inmate who threatened to slice and smash the head of a nurse has been jailed for five months.

Belfast Magistrates’ Court heard the victim was left terrified by Michelle Wilson’s comments at Hydebank Women’s Prison.

Wilson, 49, pleaded guilty to making threats to kill during the encounter on March 10 last year.

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A prosecution lawyer said: “She told (the nurse) she would slice her face, smash her head and make sure she doesn’t have any breath left in her body.”

Later, the victim allegedly overheard Wilson talk about shooting her.

District Judge Amanda Henderson was told the defendant suffers from psychotic episodes and has no memory of the incident.

She described a victim impact report as “very powerful”, adding that the nurse must have been “terrified”.

The judge said: “These were extremely vicious threats towards someone there to protect the defendant’s health.”