Michelle O'Neill accused of 'deafening silence' following Hamas terror attacks on Israel

Destruction caused by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip is seen in Ashkelon, Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. AP Photo/Ohad ZwigenbergDestruction caused by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip is seen in Ashkelon, Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg
Destruction caused by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip is seen in Ashkelon, Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg
​Michelle O’Neill’s response to the Hamas terror attacks on Israel has been “deafening silence,” according to the DUP’s Sammy Wilson.

In a social media post, the East Antrim MP suggested the Sinn Fein vice-president might believe there was “no alternative” to the violence that has left 1,000 people dead both in Israel and Gaza.

"Deafening silence from the self-styled ‘First Minister for All’ to the heinous terrorist attacks in Israel,” Mr Wilson said.

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"Perhaps she believes there was ‘no alternative’ but to murder innocent Israeli men, women and children.

"Sinn Fein will always be on the side of the terrorists.”

​On Sunday, the DUP confirmed they had reported three pro-Palestinian social media posts – by Sinn Fein’s Deirdre Hargey and Chris Hazzard, and Gerry Carroll of People Before Profit – to the Westminster and Stormont standards commissioners.

Asked to comment on Sammy Wilson’s ‘deafening silence’ claim, a Sinn Fein spokeswoman said: “A lasting and just peace between Palestinians and Israelis requires an end to the occupation and apartheid systems being imposed upon the Palestinian people."

She said that “attacks against civilians are unjustifiable,” and added: “The events this weekend have created a new urgency to the need for a decisive international intervention.

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“Such an intervention is required to bring about a ceasefire by all sides, and to formulate an effective road map providing for a proper negotiations process, based upon unconditional adherence to international law and the UN Charter.

“A durable and just solution to the Palestinian question is the way forward”.