NI shooting victim in critical condition after he ‘lost a lot of blood’

The scene of the shooting in Rinmore Drive.The scene of the shooting in Rinmore Drive.
The scene of the shooting in Rinmore Drive.
A man is believed to be in a critical condition in hospital after he was shot over the weekend.

Two men, one aged in his 40s and one in his 30s, were taken to Altnagelvin Area Hospital on Saturday evening after they were both shot in the legs in the Rinmore Drive area of Londonderry.

One of the men was transported to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast where he is believed to be in a critical condition.

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A local resident who was one of the first on the scene described what she saw.

“I didn’t know what was going on but then I saw the blood,” said the woman.

“One of the men had lost a lot of blood - it was shocking,” she added.

PSNI Chief Superintendent Jones said: “This reckless, brutal shooting incident has not only caused great distress to the local community, but has now added two casualties to hospital and created further stress to our local health services who are dealing with the current health pandemic.”

SDLP MP for Foyle reacted to the incident on Twitter.

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“Utterly depressing that we’ve had a double shooting in Derry tonight,” said the SDLP leader.

“Our hospital has enough to deal with at this time. We don’t want the law of the jungle in our city. Get off our backs.”


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