Party colleagues and political rivals unified in condemnation of Carla Lockhart abuse

DUP MP for Upper Bann Carla Lockhart. Photo: DUPDUP MP for Upper Bann Carla Lockhart. Photo: DUP
DUP MP for Upper Bann Carla Lockhart. Photo: DUP
Party colleagues and political rivals have voiced their support for Carla Lockhart as she continues to be targeted by internet trolls.

The DUP MP for Upper Bann has experienced some of the most personal and offensive online abuse directed at any of Northern Ireland’s elected representatives, but faced a particularly intense period of misogynist vilification after speaking out in support of the Portadown Orangemen involved in the Drumcree parade dispute.

Marking 25 years since the local lodge was banned from entering the Garvaghy Road, Ms Lockhart posted on Facebook: "Drumcree Sunday 2023 – once again Portadown brethren have been denied their right to return home from their annual church service at Drumcree Parish Church."

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Following a tirade of highly personal abuse at the weekend, she responded, saying: “Predictably, when I stand up for my community, faceless trolls use it as their daily reason to abuse me. Not on my politics, which they may not agree with, but on their perception of how I look”.

Both DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson and UUP leader Doug Beattie described the abuse as “appalling”.

Sir Jeffrey said “It is wrong, it should stop and frankly social media and Twitter in particular should do more to protect people who are doing their job, trying to represent the community and subject to the most vile abuse at times online.”

Other colleagues also tweeted their support.

Emma Little-Pengelly described the abuse as “absolutely disgusting,” and added: “You are incredibly strong, and no doubt will continue to be, so I know you will continue to stand firm and speak out. Nevertheless, it is vile and shows the true face of hate and intolerance from so many on here who try and preach otherwise.”

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Edwin Poots tweeted: “It never ceases to amaze me how Republican leaders talk so much about misogyny, but when a Unionist woman says something they don't like, the Republican trolls go into an overdrive of vile, vicious commentary.”

UUP leader Doug Beattie said: “The abuse levelled at @carlalockhart is appalling. Some of these anonymous trolls and hate accounts really do need to be dealt with by @Twitter”.

Alliance MLA Sorcha Eastwood also replied, saying: “Disgusting that you are having to deal with this Carla, it is totally unacceptable and says more about them than anything else x.”