Police Ombudsman's office declines to clarify Marie Anderson's work status during police investigation

Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland Marie Anderson outside her office in Belfast. Photo: Liam McBurney/PA WirePolice Ombudsman for Northern Ireland Marie Anderson outside her office in Belfast. Photo: Liam McBurney/PA Wire
Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland Marie Anderson outside her office in Belfast. Photo: Liam McBurney/PA Wire
​The police ombudsman’s office has declined to clarify if Marie Anderson is back at her desk while police investigate an alleged incident in Co Down last month.

Officers from the West Midlands Police (WMP) have been tasked to carry out an investigation after the PSNI was called to a property in the Holywood area on Saturday, September 23.

A number of politicians and former senior police officers have called for Mrs Anderson to temporarily step aside until the probe is complete.

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Last Thursday, a PSNI spokesperson said the WMP will investigate “and assess whether there are any further criminal offences following an alleged incident in Co Down in September 2023.”

Police also said a man aged 63 was arrested for common assault and interviewed before being released with a file expected to be sent to the PPS.

Asked on Monday if Mrs Anderson was working as normal while the WMP probe is ongoing, a spokesperson for the ombudsman’s office said they were “unable to comment”.

However, the spokesperson stressed that the recent appointment of Paul Holmes as interim chief executive was not related to the police investigation or the work status of Mrs Anderson.

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Responding to a media report that the recent appointment of Mr Holmes as interim chief executive was linked to Mrs Anderson temporarily stepping down, an ombudsman spokesman said: “Paul Holmes was appointed to the role of Interim Chief Executive in July while Mrs Laird was absent from the office. Mrs Laird has subsequently resigned from her post.

"Paul Holmes is not, nor has been at any point, the Police Ombudsman, acting or otherwise.”

Police said officers attended the address in Holywood at around 6.30pm following a report of a domestic incident.

Following confirmation of the police investigation, DUP MP Gavin Robinson said: “Whatever the outcome of the investigation under way, officers have contacted me questioning how she can continue in post in the interim.”

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Mr Robinson added: “Whilst this investigation continues there should be interim arrangements with Marie Anderson stepping aside until it has been concluded.”

Former senior PSNI officer Jon Burrows said that as the police ombudsman “holds a very senior public office and exercises significant powers” – and her core role is holding police officers to account – “the public and the police must have trust in the ombudsman’s integrity”.

Mr Burrows added: “It is vitally important, that whilst West Midlands Police assess whether further criminal investigation is required into the matters reported in the media, that the DoJ (Department of Justice) urgently reviews whether any interim measures need taken in relation to her day to day role.”

Police Federation chairman Liam Kelly has called for “robust” investigation, and added: “No stone should be left unturned to establish the facts and get to the truth. We expect our officers to be fully supported both by PSNI and the public to carry out their professional duties unfettered, without fear or favour.”

On Monday, a West Midlands Police spokesman said: “As this investigation is now live, we will not be providing any further comment.”