PSNI issue advice to older people after thief targets woman in her 80s

Detectives in Belfast are appealing for information following a burglary in the Springfield Avenue area of west Belfast at around 1pm on Friday.

It was reported that a man had entered the home of a woman in her 80s, and led her to believe he was there to “fix the water”.

The homeowner “asked the male to leave after he had entered a number of rooms in the house” said police, adding: “The male then asked for a sum of cash before leaving.”

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It is not believed anything was taken, but the victim was shaken by the experience.

The PSNI said: “We recognise the impact that this sort of despicable crime will have on older residents in our community who are, perhaps, fearful.

“There are a number of initiatives which are really helpful, including the ‘No Cold Calling’, the ‘Nominated Neighbour’ scheme, QuickCheck, Neighbourhood Watch and ScamwiseNI Partnership and details of all of these can be found on our website at”

The PSNI also set out the following as advice:

1) Before answering the front door, make sure the back door is locked.

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2) If you have a door chain, remember to use it before opening the door. If not, we recommend you get one installed.

3) Ask the caller for their identification and check it carefully.

4) Ask them to wait outside and close the door – genuine callers will not mind.

5) Ring Quick Check on 101. The call will be answered personally and promptly by a trained police call handler. They will check with the company that the person at the door is genuine. If they are not or they think that there is something suspicious, the operator will be able send the police to you.

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6) Do not let anyone into the property until you are satisfied as to who they are.

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