PSNI launch murder investigation after body found in house, man arrested nearby

PSNI launch murder probePSNI launch murder probe
PSNI launch murder probe
Detectives from Police Service of Northern Ireland’s Major Investigation Team have launched a murder investigation after the body of a man was discovered this afternoon (Monday) at a house in Co Londonderry.

Detective Chief Inspector Raymond Phelan said: “Just after 12.30 this afternoon, police received a report that the body of a deceased male had been found at a residential property in the Sandy Braes area of Magherafelt.

“Police attended and a man has been arrested nearby on suspicion of murder.

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“My investigation is at a very early stage and I would appeal to anyone who was in the Sandy Braes area in recent days and who witnessed anything to contact Detectives on 101 quoting reference 944 of 18/10/21.”

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