PSNI officers bust drug dealer in Co Down forest park... by accident

Police made a drugs bust in a popular forest park at the weekend… by accident.

Officers from Downpatrick had spotted a car travelling the wrong way out of Castlewellan Forest Park, just as their own vehicle was entering the park.

They then went to speak with the driver of a car, but “upon approaching the car, one male decided to leg it into the forest, dumping a very large bag of drugs as he ran”.

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The police said the bag contained Class B drugs (though did not say what kind) which were worth over £5,000 in street value.

In addition, over £1,000 in cash was located in the car on Saturday.

The PSNI did not say what became of any other occupants in the car.

They issued a statement saying: “If you take the decision to deal drugs, you face the prospect of going to prison. It really isn't worth it.”

Separately, on April 10 officers had raided a property in Castlewellan, finding a large haul of Class A and B drugs.