Shot fired at house in Shore Road area of north Belfast striking back window

St Vincent Street, Belfast - Google imageSt Vincent Street, Belfast - Google image
St Vincent Street, Belfast - Google image
A man has escaped injury after a shot was fired through the window of a house in north Belfast on Saturday night.

Detectives said the incident occurred in Vincent Street around 11.30pm and have appealed for anyone with information to come forward.

Police said one man was inside the house when a shot was fired at the property, striking and smashing a back window.

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Detective Inspector Harvey said: “We are appealing to anyone who was in the Vincent Street area on Saturday evening between 11pm and 11.30pm, and who noticed anything suspicious, or who may have dash-cam or mobile footage that could help with our investigation to get in touch."

DI Harvey added: “You can contact detectives on 101 quoting reference number 2084 of 28/10/23 or submit a report online using our non-emergency reporting form via”.

Crimestoppers can also be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at