Transgender NI: PSNI not looking into violently anti-police tweets as public figures pledge backing for their author

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The PSNI has confirmed it is not investigating any potential offences related to Alexa Moore’s violently anti-police rhetoric.

It comes as a string of figures backed the Transgender NI director.

For well over two years, Alexa Moore’s Twitter feed had been full of hostile tweets towards police.

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There are far too many to list, but among them are: “Being a sex worker is not by any means morally comparable to being a corporate financier or a cop. The former deserve support the latter two deserve the wall.”

Transgender NI was asked if there was some alternate meaning other than putting police against a wall and shooting them, but it did not offer any.

And this came in response to an article about Gerry Adams: “I completely agree with Adams on this one. Violence can be justified – for instance in resistance to police brutality, in attempts to seize the means of production and the private property of the wealthy, etc.”

(See link below for chapter-and-verse on Alexa Moore’s views)

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In response to whether police were looking into any of the comments, the PSNI said simply: “No, we are not.”

The reason why Alexa Moore’s anti-police sentiments were of particular relevance was because, despite them, Transgender NI accepted £1,030 in late 2018 to train PSNI officers.

It has also been paid £900 last year to train Department of Justice youth offender employees.

Queen’s University Belfast and Unison the trade union have also hired the group too.

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Transgender NI and its directors had been notified about the News Letter’s article days ahead of publication on Monday, but declined to respond in any way.

Likewise, no-one could be reached yesterday either.

Among the public office-holders coming to the defence of Alexa Moore was Belfast People Before Profit councillor Ferguson (@fiona_ferg) who called the News Letter’s report “disgusting” and “hateful” – adding that they sent “solidarity to Alexa”.

And @EllenFearon, the president of the National Union of Students-Union of Students in Ireland, wrote that the article was “attacking” Alexa Moore and “it’s horrific”.

Other Belfast-based activists joined in the fray too.

@ElaineCrory, who describes themselves on their Twitter bio as “often a history and politics lecturer”, said: “Solidarity with [Alexa Moore]... Sending you love and proud to know you, today and every day.”

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And @Donnan_S (Stephen), who describes themselves as a “qualified therapist” (and who has since blocked the News Letter from reading their comments), wrote: “I just want to say that I stand by [Alexa] a hundred percent.

“A fiercer advocate for change I do not know, and a kinder person I haven’t yet met. I love her unconditionally and I’m proud to call her a friend.”

They went on to say that “anyone who engages with [the News Letter], submits an article, column, opinion piece for it etc is not an ally of our community”.

In national news, the government yesterday ditched plans to change the Gender Recognition Act – something which has been a major objective of UK transgender campaigners.

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The act allows people to change gender without using surgery or hormones, but activists believe it is too restrictive because it requires things like a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria (a condition of discomfort with one’s gender).

They had wanted to replace it with a system called Self-ID, which would basically allow anyone to identify as anything they want, without medical oversight.


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