Woman charged with murdering her child, and attempted murder of another infant

Laganside CourthouseLaganside Courthouse
Laganside Courthouse
A Co Antrim woman is facing prosecution for the alleged murder of her young child, a court heard.

She is also accused of trying to kill another infant child earlier this year.

The defendant, who is in her forties, cannot be named due to reporting restrictions imposed to protect the children’s identities.

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Police investigating the incident charged her with murder and attempted murder following an investigation into the incident.

With the woman currently a detained patient, she did not appear at Ballymena Magistrates’ Court, sitting in Belfast, for the first stage in the criminal proceedings.

But a senior detective formally connected her to the two charges.

Anonymity orders were sought to prevent publication of any details about the children.

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District Judge Nigel Broderick granted the application, but stressed it was being made on an interim basis.

“The press may challenge that subsequently,” he said.

Although no further details can be disclosed, defence solicitor Ciaran Moynagh confirmed the woman is receiving hospital treatment.

“She is detained at the present time under the Mental Health Order, but is co-operating and would be there voluntarily if (the order) had not been extended,” he told the court.

Mr Moynagh also urged the prosecution to ensure there are no delays in the case.

“It’s the worst imaginable tragedy that can happen to a family,” the lawyer added.

Acknowledging the complex nature of the investigation, Judge Broderick adjourned proceedings for eight weeks.