Fifty-eight firefighters battle major gorse fire in Mournes raging since early hours of this morning

Firefighters have been tackling this large blaze near Bloody Bridge in the Mourne Mountains since the early hours of this morning, Friday April 23.Firefighters have been tackling this large blaze near Bloody Bridge in the Mourne Mountains since the early hours of this morning, Friday April 23.
Firefighters have been tackling this large blaze near Bloody Bridge in the Mourne Mountains since the early hours of this morning, Friday April 23.
Firefighters have been battling a major gorse fire in the Mourne Mountains since the early hours of the this morning.

Twelve appliances and 58 firefighters are currently engaged in the battle.

A Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service Spokesperson said: “We are currently attending a large gorse fire in the Mournes in the Bloody Bridge area of Newcastle. We currently have 12 Appliances and 58 Firefighters in attendance. Mourne Heritage Trust and Skywatch are assisting us in our Operations.

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“We have been in attendance since the early hours of this morning and our Firefighters are working hard to extinguish the fire using beaters.

“We would ask the public to stay away from the Bloody Bridge area while the incident is ongoing to help facilitate our Appliances and Firefighters who are in attendance.”

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