GAA disowns kidnapper who threatened to kill

Robert Tasker played GAA at county level for ArmaghRobert Tasker played GAA at county level for Armagh
Robert Tasker played GAA at county level for Armagh
The GAA has distanced itself from a former county Armagh player who has been found guilty of kidnapping, robbing and threatening to kill a taxi driver.

Former player Robert Edward Tasker and Antoin Eugene James McCooey were both convicted by a majority verdict on all charges in Newry Crown Court on Wednesday.

The pair live at different addresses in St Patrick’s Park, Cullyhanna.

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The court heard Tasker put a knife to the taxi driver’s throat after he collected them in the early hours of November 29 2016.

Tasker and McCooey both faced charges of kidnapping, robbery, threats to kill and common assault. They pleaded not guilty to all charges but were convicted on all counts.

The driver picked them up a booking at a Chinese restaurant in Dundalk.

However, in the taxi, 26-year-old Tasker began speaking in highly sexualised terms from the back seat, the BBC reported.

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The driver said he felt uncomfortable at which point the mood changed. Tasker took out a knife and put it to the driver’s neck while McCooey took out a screwdriver and made stabbing motions, demanding money.

In fear for his life, the driver handed over €120 (£105). He said the pair repeatedly threatened to rape and murder him.

Tasker and McCooey asked him to drive into a church car park outside Cullyhanna, but the driver stopped and the two men got out and walked away.

The driver fled and reported the incident to gardai who worked with the PSNI to bring charges.

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Tasker and McCooey are to be sentenced on June 18, but due to concerns of a flight risk they will remain in custody until then.

It is understood that Tasker was part of the Armagh GAA side which won the All-Ireland minor title in 2009.

In one of a string of Facebook posts crediting his performances, the club reported in 2013 that they were “bedecked with the dazzling array of skills possessed by the irrepressible Robbie Tasker”.

However, the GAA has distanced itself from Tasker.

A spokesman for Ulster GAA said: “This individual is not a high-profile player. He has not been involved playing with either his club or county for some years.”

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