Gang assault three teenagers in East Belfast house

Three teenagers sustained injuries to their heads and bodies after being assaulted by four men wielding a baseball bat and a cricket bat during an aggravated burglary in east Belfast.

Detectives investigating the incident in the McArthur Court area of east Belfast last month are only now issuing and appeal for witnesses.

Detective Constable Whyte said: “Four males forced their way into a house in the area around 9am assaulted the three male occupants with what is believed to have been a baseball bat and cricket bat.

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“The three males, two aged 18-years and one aged 19-years, were treated in hospital for a number of injuries to their head and body as a result.”

She appealed for anyone with information that can assist with the investigation to call detectives at Musgrave on 101 quoting reference 493 31/07/16.

Or, if someone would prefer to provide information without giving their details they can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers and speak to them anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

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