Grenfell Tower death toll set to rise as footage shows extent of damage

Grenfell towerGrenfell tower
Grenfell tower
The death toll from the Grenfell Tower fire is expected to rise further after police said they believe the number missing and unaccounted for has gone above 58.

Footage from inside the gutted 24-storey building has been released, showing the extent of the damage caused by the blaze.

Metropolitan Police Commander Stuart Cundy said the conditions in the tower "verge on indescribable", and warned of the potential "terrible reality" that some people may never be identified.

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A minute's silence will be held at 11am across all Government buildings to remember the people who lost their lives and all those affected by the fire.

As anger continued in the wake of the disaster, described by London Mayor Sadiq Khan as a "preventable accident", the Government announced those left homeless will be given at least £5,500 from an emergency fund.

Residents will be given £500 in cash followed by a bank payment for the rest from Monday and the money will come from the £5 million fund announced by Theresa May on Friday.

While they welcomed the funding, a group of residents who met Mrs May in Downing Street at the weekend said they had not been consulted before the latest announcement, adding that it continued a "tendency to sideline residents' views".

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