Heroin addicts jailed over £6,000 handbag snatch

Two heroin addicts who robbed an elderly woman of £6,000 were jailed on Tuesday for the “mean offence”.

Belfast Crown Court heard that while Mark Anthony Bradley (48) planned the handbag snatch, it was carried out by Pauline Ferrim, who had taken heroin around two hours before the robbery.

While Bradley - who “planted the seed” - was handed a two-year sentence, 20-year old Ferrin was given a 16-month sentence by Judge Paul Ramsey, who told the pair their terms would be divided equally between custody and post-release supervision.

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The 77-year old victim sustained a minor shoulder injury and was left shaken by the ordeal, which occurred in the centre of Belfast on February 19 last year. All the cash stolen from the pensioner was recovered and returned to her.

Before passing sentence, Judge Ramsey was told by Crown prosecutor Gareth Purvis that the pensioner came to Bradley’s attention in the Royal Avenue branch of Santander.

Bradley, who was in the bank doing business as a legitimate customer, noticed the elderly woman being handed a large sum of cash, which she planned to use for home improvements.

After the pensioner withdrew £6,000, she left the bank and walked through Castle Court. After being alerted by Bradley about the large sum of cash, Ferrin then followed the pensioner through the shopping centre. As she then made her way along Smithfield, she was approached by Ferrin, who after a brief struggle snatched the handbag.

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The prosecutor said the bag was recovered, the money was handed back to the woman, and both Bradley and Ferrin were arrested in the centre of Belfast later that day. While Ferrin admitted her guilt to police immediately, Bradley initially denied involvement but later confessed.

The court heard Bradley has 55 previous convictions, while Ferrin’s criminal record bears 22 prior offences.

Barrister Michael Boyd, representing Ferrin, said that whilst Ferrin was a “heavily committed heroin user” last February, she has used her time on remand productively and is now drugs-free.

Mr Boyd said that when presented with the opportunity to rob the pensioner, Ferrin needed money for drugs and found Bradley’s idea “impossible to resist”. The barrister also pointed out that his client “apologised immediately” for what she did.

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Martin Morgan, the barrister representing Bradley, also spoke of addiction issues and revealed his client began injecting heroin when he was 17. Mr Morgan said that whilst there were long periods in Bradley’s life when he didn’t commit crime, last year’s offending was set against a backdrop of the breakdown of his marriage.

Sending the pair to prison, Judge Ramsey branded the offence as “mean”, and said: “An elderly lady was seen by Mr Bradley. He planted the seed in the co-accused Ms Ferrin’s mind and she carried out the robbery itself.

“Both have records, both have been before the courts in the past and both know the custody line has been crossed in this case. The only option I have is to impose a custodial sentence.”