Liam Neeson: My hiding place for my earnings? Under the bed

Liam NeesonLiam Neeson
Liam Neeson
Film star Liam Neeson has revealed he keeps some of his money under his bed.

The Northern Ireland star of the Taken films, made the surprise admission in an interview with The Big Issue magazine ahead of the release of his latest film, The Commuter.

A sub-theme of the thriller is the 2007-2008 banking crisis.

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Neeson plays an immigrant, coming to America as a youth with the debts run up by his reckless father weighing him down, instilling in him a sense of financial caution in his own life.

Neeson grew up in Ballymena. When asked if we could all have learned from the local farmers who have a reputation for guarding their money well, and not being keen to spend it, he said: "Well, I keep my money under the bed. And I have done since 2009."

Neeson, who also starred in Steven Spielberg's highly acclaimed Schindler's List and played Aslan in the Narnia films, spoke about the message behind his latest release.

He said: "We are trying to make a thriller film. It's set on a train. People that you see every day of your working life are doing that commute.

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"Then a stressful situation happens and it gets built upon. One of the things that I loved about the original script was the fact that this little community of people actually stand up for each other."

"It is kind of an everyman situation.

"Leaving the Taken movies aside, because it's a guy with a certain set of skills, in this instance, this guy is an insurance salesman. He has been for 10 years and he used to be a cop, but he is an average Joe. I think audiences like that. And I think that is a great premise to start any action film with. An audience can see the hero or heroine and think, 'Oh, I kind of know that person.'"

The Big Issue, which supports homeless people, is on sale from Monday.