Loughinisland police to break 25-year silence on UVF atrocity

Flowers at the scene of the 1994 Loughinisland massacreFlowers at the scene of the 1994 Loughinisland massacre
Flowers at the scene of the 1994 Loughinisland massacre
In a series of in-depth articles beginning on Monday, a number of former police officers break their 25-year silence to “dispel the myths” that have grown up around the Loughinisland massacre story.

Although their first thoughts are with the bereaved relatives of the six men murdered by the UVF in 1994, they have themselves been deeply affected by damning, but ultimately baseless, allegations about their own actions.

One ex-detective claims he was used as “fodder” by the current ombudsman (PONI) to get the original 2011 Al Hutchinson report quashed.

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Another will explain how the killers’ getaway car was only disposed of by police once deemed “forensically redundant” by scientists – describing the Triumph Acclaim as a “rusting shell” on its eventual release from storage at the NI Forensic Science compound.

We also reveal how the evidence of a mystery witness continues to fuel a ‘collusion’ conspiracy theory despite having been rejected in its entirety by the police ombudsman.