Martin McGuinness memorial service to be held in Washington

Martin McGuinnessMartin McGuinness
Martin McGuinness
A memorial service is to be held in Washington today in memory of the late Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness.

The sons of Mr McGuinness, Fiachra and Emmett McGuinness, will join Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams for the Mass at St Peter’s Catholic Church on Capitol Hill.

Mr Adams is also due to brief US politicians and officials from the State Department on the political deadlock at Stormont during his visit to the US.

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Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire, who is also in the USA as part of a three-day visit, will not attend the memorial.

He will today continue his round of engagements, which involves briefing US politicians, influencers and business leaders on the political situation in Northern Ireland, the continued need for strong foreign direct investment and to offer reassurance on issues such as Brexit.