McElduff Kingsmills row '˜obscures SF denial' of massacre

Alan Freeburn, son of Robert Freeburn, one of the victims of the Kingsmills massacre, carrying the coffin of his fatherAlan Freeburn, son of Robert Freeburn, one of the victims of the Kingsmills massacre, carrying the coffin of his father
Alan Freeburn, son of Robert Freeburn, one of the victims of the Kingsmills massacre, carrying the coffin of his father
The row over the Barry McElduff video has obscured the fact that Sinn Fein still denies the IRA carried out the Kingsmills massacre, victims' supporters say.

The Sinn Fein MP released a video on Friday – the anniversary of the 1976 Kingsmills massacre of 10 Protestants – in which victims claim he made light of the atrocity.

Sinn Fein suspended him for three months angering victims, who expected more. But those connected to the atrocity say the row has eclipsed much more serious issues.

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The UUP’s Danny Kennedy said: “Sinn Fein and republicans have never accepted responsibility for Kingsmills.

“And Sinn Fein has never offered any support for the ongoing legacy inquest. Based on this it was hopeless to expect them to do the proper thing with Barry McElduff.”

Colin Worton, whose brother Kenneth was murdered at Kingsmills, said Sinn Fein this week condemned the video clip, but not the massacre itself.

“This is because they have never admitted that the IRA was responsible for it,” he said. “Sinn Fein’s Mitchell McLaughlin said in 2011 that he doubted the IRA did it.”

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Victims’ campaigner Willie Frazer said that the Historical Enquiries Team and PSNI have both concluded the IRA were responsible. “Sinn Fein are the Northern Ireland equivalent of Holocaust deniers,” he added.

But Sinn Fein hit back. “Regardless of who carried out the attack at Kingsmills Sinn Fein spokespersons have condemned it as wrong, unjustified and sectarian in nature,” a spokesman said.

Sinn Fein supports the right of all victims to a coroner’s inquest, he added.

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