'˜Mini heatwave' could be on way to Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland could see temperatures as high as 22C next weekNorthern Ireland could see temperatures as high as 22C next week
Northern Ireland could see temperatures as high as 22C next week
The first signs of summer could finally be on their way after one of the coldest and dullest Aprils for many years, forecasters have said.

Temperatures on Monday and Tuesday of next week could hit as high as 22C with long spells of unbroken sunshine.

Reasonably settled conditions are also being forecast for Friday and Sunday with highs of 14C and only a small risk of showers. More prolonged showers on Saturday are likely to break up what is promising to be a pleasant few days.

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A Met Office spokesman said: “Friday should be mostly dry although there could be a bit of cloud around. Temperatures should be similar to Thursday getting up to 13C or 14C.

“There will be a down before it gets better again and on Saturday we will see some showery rain. Most places are likely to see some rain, or bursts of rain, but these should clear throughout the afternoon.

“It should be quite an improvement by Sunday and generally dry with lengthy sunny periods. I wouldn’t be surprised if somewhere in Northern Ireland exceeds 20C.”