Animals deserve protection from cruelty – but so too do unborn children

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from TJ Hardy:

Green Party MLA Rachel Woods expresses noble sentiments, of completely valid concern to all reasonable people, about avoiding cruelty to badgers and their cubs (Letters, July 30).

As fully sentiment mammals, any cruelty to these wonderful animals is deplorable, and to be avoided where at all possible.

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But do some MLAs and political parties vociferously oppose cruelty to animals (or their young), yet support and vigorously campaign for abortion?

An article posted on The Tablet website (‘New abortion law threatens Good Friday Agreement, say bishops’ - 28 July 2021).

An image with the report will surprise some viewers, at just how well developed the human embryo is at only three months.

It’s wonderful to campaign for badgers (and their cubs) to peacefully enjoy a quiet life in underground sets.

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Christians should also be badgering the abortion industry, about the horror of home drug abortions in domestic bathrooms.

Is the potential horror and pain, in some later abortions, also of interest to medical negligence specialists (see

TJ Hardy


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