Belfast City Council should urgently reconsider its decision to hold the marathon on the Lord’s day

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I wish to use the medium of the letter column to inform Belfast City Council that in holding the marathon on the Lord’s day they are robbing God of his day and the people of their need of a stress free Sunday.

God created routine for the best use of our precious time we need routine in our homes for our children our work and every facet of life, routine is not boring buts gives us foundation and certainty, six days labour and one day rest is God’s routine he hallowed that day (he made it holy).

This is followed by God’s commandment in Exodus 20 Holy Bible to keep it holy.

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Belfast City Council must remember and learn if need be that’s God’s commandment’s and people’s spiritual and physical welfare are never ever in conflict.

Belfast City Council has a duty of care to employers and potential employers to provide them and ensure them that they have a well rested workforce not only for Monday morning but for the whole week, have the run on Saturday, Sunday rest, and Monday work leaving Sunday free to enjoy church as a family morning and evening, enjoy visiting the sick and the elderly also those in care, enjoy Sunday meal’s together at home, then the workforce will enjoy getting up for work on Monday morning, the children will enjoy getting up for school and overall productivity will increase to the enjoyment of all employers.

I close with the old adage a Sabbath well spent brings a week of content.

Belfast City Council please now urgently reconsider your decision to hold the marathon on the Lord’s day.

Hylands Mitchell, Ballinamallard, Co Fermanagh