Colin Nevin: It is not ‘conversion therapy’ that people are seeking, but a holy life with God

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Andy Barr in his letter (‘Evidence suggests that attempts to change a person’s sexual orientation results in high levels of mental health problems,’ February 25) says that the LGBT demonstrators outside Townsend Street Presbyterian Church “should be congratulated” for picketing the testimony film ‘Once Gay’ by former Malta X Factor singer Matthew Grech on February 14.

The protesters chanted ‘L.G.B.T.Q. — We are just as good as you!’ as Matthew tried to engage with them by offering flowers and chocolates which were refused.

Matthew’s testimony in no way implied that he was better than anyone else, but that like all human beings who hear the Good News that Yeshua/Jesus died on the Cross for the sins of the whole world out of love which puts everyone on a level playing field.

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All mankind is born into sin, whether one is heterosexual or homosexual.

God is not interested in the labels, but in our heart. Gay people need God too, especially once they experience the depths of His love personally, such as Matthew Grech has.

It is not ‘Conversion therapy’ but wanting to lead a holy life for God. Each person comes to that conclusion in his or her own way.

Andy believes that people are born gay, yet our Creator God does not support that in the Bible as His plan and purpose for mankind.

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Why thus would God create people to break His own guidelines? Was Andy born an atheist? Are his genes different to a believer’s, or does personal choice play a part?

Differing expressions of sexuality are part of man’s experience on this planet as even the oldest accounts in the Bible can testify, but God still informs us of what He deems to be sanctioned in His eyes, and who are we to question Him?

Many people experience same sex attraction on varying levels, but one is still free to choose one’s own pathway in life and for an increasing amount of gay people it is to leave that lifestyle in order to live a life devoted to God.

It is not because of therapy or ‘conversion’ but because of God’s great love, which beats human love any day.

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Paul gives a list in I Corinthians 6:9-11 which includes homosexuals and many others who he says “will not inherit the kingdom of God,” however, he points out that “such were some of you, but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.”

It may not be a popular message nowadays, but it is God who does the changing, not ourselves.

We may still have old desires and temptations, but we have renewed strength and peace to walk with God one day at a time, and forgiveness for sin.

I will be giving my ‘Man In White’ testimony/talk in Townsend Street Presbyterian Church Belfast on 29th March at 7pm.

All welcome.

Colin Nevin (AKA The Man In White), Bangor

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