Trevor Ringland: At least the loyalist terrorists do not claim that they were victims


UVF mural on the Lower Newtownards Road in east Belfast. 

'We’re not victims! We made victims!' a loyalist once told Trevor Ringland, in a brutally honest assessment. Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEyeA

UVF mural on the Lower Newtownards Road in east Belfast. 

'We’re not victims! We made victims!' a loyalist once told Trevor Ringland, in a brutally honest assessment. Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye
A UVF mural on the Lower Newtownards Road in east Belfast. 'We’re not victims! We made victims!' a loyalist once told Trevor Ringland, in a brutally honest assessment. Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye
‘We’re not victims! We made victims!’

That was the brutally honest answer from a leading loyalist paramilitary, when a number of years ago I asked why they did not seek representation on the Victims’ Forum.

That position has changed somewhat over the years, but most loyalist paramilitaries are still well aware that they would get little sympathy from the wider community if they tried to present themselves as the same as the 1,071 people they murdered.

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The same sentiment doesn’t seem to apply in the republican movement, many of whose members seem obsessed with portraying themselves as the same as the over 2,148 victims they murdered and seeking respect for their actions.

Trevor Ringland is a lawyer, former Ireland rugby international, reconciliation activist and former political candidateTrevor Ringland is a lawyer, former Ireland rugby international, reconciliation activist and former political candidate
Trevor Ringland is a lawyer, former Ireland rugby international, reconciliation activist and former political candidate

That demand for equivalence is what has delayed awarding a pension to innocent victims seriously injured during the Troubles.

Four republicans demanding to be treated on the same basis as those they injured are preventing pay-outs for over 400 people.

There are six loyalists in a similar position, but I do not hear them making the same demands.

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The context of the Troubles is important. We can understand that many young people were caught up in the violence that emerged onto our streets and listened to those promoting two hate-filled ideologies — extremely sectarian and racist versions of unionism and republicanism.

However, they still had personal choices to make and certainly those on the loyalist side understand that.

If they were victims at all, it was because the flawed ideologies they followed caused them to make self-destructive personal choices.

Having said that, there is an argument to be made in a compassionate society that we should ensure we provide for all those injured through the provision of benefits and health care already available.

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As to the injured republicans, they were part of a very wealthy movement that is more than capable of providing for them.

That source of funding is not currently available to those injured thanks to their actions.

What those who planned and planted the bombs and pulled the triggers and caused so much tragedy in our society should also appreciate is that in our remarkably forgiving society unconditional apologies from them, rather than, ‘We regret those tragedies but they were necessary and justified!’, would help transform the way society relates to them.

They should reflect on that.

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