David McNarry: Imperfect Stormont system does not justify scrapping it

David McNarry is a former Ulster Unionist and Ukip MLADavid McNarry is a former Ulster Unionist and Ukip MLA
David McNarry is a former Ulster Unionist and Ukip MLA
A letter from the former MLA David McNarry:

In each of his full page News Letter articles (the first on Aug 16 ‘Devolution is a disaster for the Union and always has been’, the second on Aug 30 ‘Even my critics don’t claim Stormont gets good results’, see links below) Owen Polley fails to make a case for an alternative to or replacement of devolution.

He should have admitted that the stark replacement choices to devolution are either Direct Rule or Dublin Rule.

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I would remind him that the predatory republican machine is ever primed to pounce on any dropping of the unionist guard.

His assertion that devolution is a dead duck plays well with Sinn Fein bullying a pliable secretary of state into believing that there is evidence enough to call a border poll.

Of course it is fair to slam the current pretentious five party cosy coalition executive for its gross under performance in delivering better outcomes across health, education and the economy. But devaluing devolution, throwing in the towel because of their incompetence will not bring about the necessary improvements.

The willingness of the five parties to operate an imperfect system of devolution is the problem. It does not justify scrapping Stormont.

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Few, least of all myself, disagree with Owen saying that Stormont isn’t working properly — it isn’t!

The primary cause being that the system has been corrupted to incorporate as of right Sinn Fein in all governments.

That is a gross distortion of power sharing.

Enforced power sharing which is not written into the Belfast Agreement.

In a document for the UUP compiled by Rt Hon. William Craig, David Trimble and myself in March 1980, we wrote: “There is no good reason to say that the people of Northern Ireland are intrinsically worse than all the other people of Europe or the rest of the world or are incapable of self government. To say so is to deny the efficacy of the democratic system and to cast a needless and justified slur on the capacity of the Ulster people.”

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What is wrong in 2022 in installing a democratic system which allows a party or parties of the largest political designation to form a government, or equally permits parties of opposite designations to voluntarily form a government, or provides an opposition formed by a party or group?

Destroying devolution denies NI its right to self determination, bins the agreement and risks the peace.

I would like to see legitimacy for a majority identity encapsulated within a British dimension.

I am also of the firm belief that a broad consensus within unionism has had enough of the five party sham executive and will warmly welcome reforming the system which is not working for anyone.

• David McNarry is a former Ulster Unionist and Ukip MLA

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