Does Barnier want to heed all voices?

Letters to EditorLetters to Editor
Letters to Editor
Following his meeting with Sinn Fein on Brexit, Michel Barnier tweeted saying that it was '˜essential to listen to all voices in Northern Ireland.'

I agree with him on that point, which is why it is baffling that he did not extend an invitation beyond the two parties who recently presided over a failed talks process.

We wrote to Mr Barnier last week requesting a meeting with him regarding the negotiations.

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Sinn Fein and the DUP do not speak for all the people of Northern Ireland.

There are other parties with mandates who represent the views of a significant portion of our society.

It is vital that those involved in these negotiations receive a fully representative range of voices from Northern Ireland. If Mr Barnier is serious about listening to all voices, then we would welcome the opportunity to meet with him.