Due to Boris Johnson’s incompetence, we still have not left European Union

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Yes I voted for Britain to leave the European Union, but it now appears to me, that Boris Johnson’s idea of leaving the European Union differs from mine.

Being an Irish Brexiteer, my first and foremost primary reason for wanting Britain out of the EU was the EU’s planning to have a United European Union Armed Forces.

Sadly I believe Boris Johnson, ie, a British prime minister, has now assisted the EU in achieving such an aim.


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I am not expecting to be around, to witness the European Union getting its armed force, having been born in the 1930s.

However should that occur, I would have been delighted to see Britain’s once-upon-a time mighty armed forces obeying orders dished out by the EU’s brigadiers.

Leaving aside the ignominy of such an occurrence, I cannot help but wonder what does the 17+ million British citizens, who voted for Britain to leave the European Union, now feel about Boris Johnson’s incompetence?

Today Britain seems as far away from leaving the EU then ever it was.

Harry Stephenson, Kircubbin