Evangelical Alliance: We pray for an election based on issues, not identity

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The Bible
Politics is important, but it is not the be-all and end-all.

The people of Northern Ireland, influenced by churches and others, must take the lead in ensuring gracious, truthful and hope-filled conversations during this election period.

The four b’s – boilers, ‘bedroom tax’, the budget and Brexit – are unlikely to be solved by an election.

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Nor are the many other issues being added daily to the negotiating table. There are also concerns that an election could lead to direct rule, potentially taking issues like abortion and marriage out of local hands.

We are a deeply relational community, shaped by a culture of generosity and hospitality, influenced by our Christian heritage.

Northern Ireland is known for radical acts of forgiveness and hope springing up in dark places.

We must continue to build on the difficult lessons from the past.

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As the election rhetoric begins, we pray that our political leaders will use their words wisely.

We pray for an election based on issues rather than identity.

We pray for grace filled conversations working towards a more hopeful future.

Finally, we pray not for a sticking plaster, but for supernatural solutions leading to a society filled with healing, wholeness and life transforming love.

Peter Lynas, Northern Ireland director of the Evangelical Alliance

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