Foster must take resposnsibility for RHI scheme

Arlene Foster, right, with Stuart Cousins of Warmflow EngineeringArlene Foster, right, with Stuart Cousins of Warmflow Engineering
Arlene Foster, right, with Stuart Cousins of Warmflow Engineering
While the UUP may demand Arlene Foster's resignation for their own agenda, this debacle exceeds anything that any government of Northern Ireland has achieved since its inception.

Her minions, apart from the hapless Simon Hamilton, who are always at the forefront in lambasting everyone else’s errors have remained in their bunkers unable to offer one shred of credibility in defence of their lethargic leader’s dereliction of duty, in not following up the priceless information presented to her by a conscientious whistle blower.

It beggars belief that the first minister can sit in China negotiating business on our behalf while the maelstrom of ineptitude sucks four hundred million from beleaguered taxpayers.

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The first minister must stand up and take responsibility for her momentous faux pas, and let’s have no circling of the wagons by the DUP and Sinn Fein to excuse her of that duty.

Wilson Burgess, Londonderry