Jeffrey Donaldson: If Sinn Fein win this election, they will demand a date for a border poll

If unionists want to see more unionist MLAs elected to the Northern Ireland Assembly then they need to come out and vote for itIf unionists want to see more unionist MLAs elected to the Northern Ireland Assembly then they need to come out and vote for it
If unionists want to see more unionist MLAs elected to the Northern Ireland Assembly then they need to come out and vote for it
In just six days’ time Northern Ireland will go to the polls in one of the most important elections in our history.

In this election you have an important choice to make.

Do you want the next assembly to focus on the issues that matter to you and your family or do you want the assembly focused on a divisive border poll?

Sinn Fein makes no secret of its plans for a border poll. But this would cause months and years of arguing and fighting, rather than focus on fixing cost of living pressures, improving our health and education sectors and creating more jobs.

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, the DUP leader, seen at the  launch of their manifesto for the 2022 NI Assembly election, at AJ Power Ltd in Craigavon, Co Armagh. He is a Stormont candidate in Lagan Valley. Picture: Mark Marlow/PA WireSir Jeffrey Donaldson, the DUP leader, seen at the  launch of their manifesto for the 2022 NI Assembly election, at AJ Power Ltd in Craigavon, Co Armagh. He is a Stormont candidate in Lagan Valley. Picture: Mark Marlow/PA Wire
Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, the DUP leader, seen at the launch of their manifesto for the 2022 NI Assembly election, at AJ Power Ltd in Craigavon, Co Armagh. He is a Stormont candidate in Lagan Valley. Picture: Mark Marlow/PA Wire

Now is not the time for more division and uncertainty.

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A first preference vote for any other unionist party will only divide and weaken the unionist cause, putting Sinn Fein one step closer to delivering their plans for a border poll.

As we look to the future we want to see the circumstances created where there can be an early restoration of the executive.

That’s why we are running our team of candidates in this election and we want to deliver on our manifesto promises for Northern Ireland.

That’s the best way forward for unionism and for Northern Ireland.

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But if it is going to work for the people of Northern Ireland, it must be done on a credible and a sustainable basis.

I believe that this can be achieved.

As part of our plan we make clear that the Northern Ireland Protocol must be removed.

I am pleased to say that our plan is beginning to have an impact. The government know that for Stormont to work the Irish Sea Border needs to be removed.

It is increasingly clear that the government has accepted this analysis.

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In the absence of agreement with the EU, the government knows that they must take the steps that are necessary. But on this issue we will judge them on the basis of actions not words.

Over this campaign we have taken our positive five-point plan to every part of Northern Ireland.

Our five-point plan is a plan to build a better future for Northern Ireland, within the Union, by, fixing our National Health Service, growing our economy, helping working families, working to see the removal of the Irish Sea Border and keeping our schools world-class.

The prize of a peaceful Northern Ireland, with a stable executive and the issues around the protocol resolved is within our grasp.

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Let us make sure that we earn the votes next Thursday to make that prospect a reality.

As a party we have come a long way in just a few months.

It’s not that long since one poll suggested that we were running level with the SDLP and Alliance and behind not just Sinn Fein but the UUP and TUV as well. But we kept our nerve and our focus on what needed to be done. I do not think there is a single commentator or expert who doesn’t believe that it is a two-horse race between Sinn Fein and ourselves now.

They will not admit it but there are plenty of republicans who believe that the election is as good as in the bag and that their day has come. This election can’t be won by Sinn Fein on their own, but only if the unionist vote is shred and scattered across too many unionist candidates.

Almost three hundred thousand people turned out to vote for the DUP in the 2017 Westminster election. That’s tens of thousands of votes more than Sinn Fein have ever achieved in their history and a result that none of the polls saw coming.

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Make no mistake, if Sinn Fein win this election, they will not be talking about fixing our Health Service, Training More GPs or delivering 30 hours free childcare they will be talking about a date for a divisive border poll.

If unionists want to see more unionist MLAs elected to the Northern Ireland Assembly then they need to come out and vote for it. I make no apology for saying that I want to see Unionists working together in a spirit of co-operation and with purpose. I make no apology for encouraging unionists to vote for the DUP and then transfer their further preferences to other Pro-Union candidates.

On the doorsteps, those who support the Union want to see a unity of purpose amongst the unionist parties. So do I. Transfers will matter and the decisions taken next Thursday will determine the direction of Northern Ireland for years to come.

Michelle O’Neill proudly says she will always talk about a border poll. If you give your first preference vote for anyone other than the DUP next Thursday she will not only keeping talking about it, she will act on it by pushing to get a date set for it.

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The Alliance Party will not stand up to Sinn Fein on a border poll. In fact they spend more time adopting Sinn Fein policies.

The campaign over the next six days will be as crucial as any in the recent history of Northern Ireland.

The choice is clear and the consequences are great.

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson is DUP leader and a Stormont candidate in Lagan Valley

The platforms by the other two main unionist party leaders are on our website, below: