Know your Bible: The people responsible for taking the Disappeared will be coming for the rest of us

The BibleThe Bible
The Bible
Like everyone in our wee Province, I watched as our deputy first minister resigned his position and, even though he reminded me of Wheezy from Toy Story, I felt sorry for him.

I am disappointed however that he could not find it in his heart to be honest with the electorate. Martin will never be back in politics because his health will prevent it.

Gerry Adams, elected by no one in our country, has effectively been the deputy for a long time.

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One thing angers me about this whole process is that our deputy first minister had to go to some faceless people in Dublin to ask for permission to resign his position.

To show such contempt for the electorate of Northern Ireland is reprehensible.

We voted you in and we should decide your future, not some nameless people in Dublin.

Either way, it is all over for us in Northern Ireland.

After this orchestrated election, the people responsible for taking the Disappeared will be coming for the rest of us.

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If you know the Bible and are familiar with 2 Chronicles 7:14, then you need to do what it says.

If you do not know this verse, or don’t want to know it, then you should be afraid.

Robert Lacey, Greenisland