Abortion should not just be a decision solely for pregnant women

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell
Attitudes which have appeared in the pages of the News Letter lately have helped the devastated feelings of people like myself concerning the new abortion laws, recently passed in Westminster.

There are many valid reasons why abortion should not be left as a decision solely and unchallenged to be taken by pregnant women.

That a mother’s health is a major factor can be easily understood, but where it is not necessarily left to a doctor’s advice there are other things to bear in mind.

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Pregnancy can often be the result of sheer carelessness or ignorance or most unfortunately rape.

Should other factors not be considered, and not just health? There may be regret or perhaps shame, but are these reasons for taking a baby’s life when a foetus is healthy?

There may be a baby near to birth who could bring joy and support to a childless couple praying for the adoption of an available newborn.

Nor should such a decision be for a pregnant woman to be encouraged to make purely on her own.

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Do not men who are also unexpected fathers-to-be have equal rights over the life of a child that could be safely and in good health brought into the world?

Dorothy Dunlop (Mrs), Belfast BT4, Ex UUP councillor, MLA, Ex NI Conservative

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