Arlene Foster should refuse to appear beside Michelle O’Neill again at any future Covid-19 press conference

Arlene Foster and Michelle O’Neill at a joint press conference early in lockdown, when the public was told what it was and was not allowed to doArlene Foster and Michelle O’Neill at a joint press conference early in lockdown, when the public was told what it was and was not allowed to do
Arlene Foster and Michelle O’Neill at a joint press conference early in lockdown, when the public was told what it was and was not allowed to do
It is unbelievable for Arlene Foster to say to loyalists after the Bobby Storey funeral breach: ‘Two wrongs don’t make a right.’

The only wrongs are Michelle O’Neill telling the general public how to behave in lockdown and then she herself totally disregards everything she tells us by attending an IRA funeral which clearly breaches all the procedures she states we all must observe.

Over the last three months O’Neill has kept saying: ‘We are all in this together’!

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The second wrong is for Mrs Foster to appear alongside O’Neill on TV on a daily basis when it is obvious O’Neill gives directions we the public must follow that she has no intention of adhering to these herself.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

The press conference was called off yesterday but that is not good enough. We cannot return to business as usual next week.

At the very least Arlene Foster should refuse to appear alongside O’Neill and be seen to sanction O’Neill’s message “Do as I say and I will do whatever I like”.

If Mrs Foster herself cannot see it is time to make a stand against the hypocrisy of Sinn Fein then perhaps her DUP colleagues can!

Trevor McIntyre, Belfast BT6

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A message from the Editor:

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