Arlene Foster’s political journey

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Sammy Wilson MP speaks clearly.

(Among his latest articles for the News Letter are ‘The UK will not be free from EU until the NI protocol is replaced,’ July 16 and ‘Face masks will decrease footfall on our high streets and in a free society they should be optional,’ July 16)

He reflects a common thinking among many unionists.

What has happened to Arlene Foster the first minister and DUP import from UUP who was a strident warrior against mandatory power-sharing with republicans.

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Since her elevation she seems quite mellow and at home in the arrangement she opposed David Trimble over.

There are probably reasons for this, I think it would be helpful if she did a media article and explain to the unionist family her political journey.

Ms EA Taggart, Co Antrim

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