At a time of peace and goodwill Sinn Fein MLA issues a Christmas message paying tribute to terrorists

The aftermath of the IRA bomb at Harrods department store in London in which six people were murdered in  the busy run up to Christmas 1983The aftermath of the IRA bomb at Harrods department store in London in which six people were murdered in  the busy run up to Christmas 1983
The aftermath of the IRA bomb at Harrods department store in London in which six people were murdered in the busy run up to Christmas 1983
A letter from John Brennan:

Christmas is known as the season of peace and goodwill.

Yet Sinn Fein MLA Orlaithi Flynn used the occasion to post a video on social media paying tribute to IRA terrorists who, according to her own words, “built the foundations for everything my generation now does”. All this against the backdrop of a Christmas tree.

What was done to establish the foundations for Ms Flynn over the Christmas period?

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Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

On Christmas Day 1972 the children of Jean McConville were still wondering were their mother had disappeared to.

On Saturday December 22 1979 Stanley Hazelton, an off duty member of the RUC part time reserve, was shot by IRA terrorist who hid behind a hedge while collecting his family’s turkey for Christmas dinner and was buried on Christmas Eve.

On Christmas Eve 1983 Stephen Dodd, one of six victims of the IRA’s decision to bomb the Christmas shoppers at Harrods the pervious week, died.

Children orphaned. An off duty police officer shot by men skulking behind a hedge while going to get a Christmas turkey. A man murdered in a bomb attack on Christmas shoppers.

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That’s the foundation on which republicanism seeks to build their ‘agreed Ireland’.

John Brennan, TUV, Ballygowan

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