David McNarry: Labour has added succour to the Pat Finucane inquiry demand bandwagon and the government has left open the door of a probe

Louise Haigh, the Labour shadow secretary of state for Northern Ireland, backed calls for a public inquiry into Pat Finucane's murder and strongly criticised the government's decision on MondayLouise Haigh, the Labour shadow secretary of state for Northern Ireland, backed calls for a public inquiry into Pat Finucane's murder and strongly criticised the government's decision on Monday
Louise Haigh, the Labour shadow secretary of state for Northern Ireland, backed calls for a public inquiry into Pat Finucane's murder and strongly criticised the government's decision on Monday
A letter from David McNarry which appeared on December 1

The calls for a Pat Finucane inquiry serve to remind us that politically motivated pressures must not succeed in creating a victims hierarchy.

Once again the Tories have baulked at refusing to take a firm decision lest it offends republicans. They have caved in to leave the door open on an inquiry. This will be used by Sinn Fein as a battering ram.

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Brandon Lewis, the secretary of state, as good as hoisted the white flag in submission to Simon Coveney, Ireland’s Foreign Affairs Minister. Neither he or his predecessors have demanded an inquiry into the murder of Lord Justice Gibson and his wife by the IRA with alleged Garda collusion.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for NI Louise Haigh added succour to claims over state collusion which will keep the inquiry band wagon rolling.

The arch exponents of fence sitting, the Alliance Party nailed their colours to keeping the Finucane inquiry alive. The party is lead by the Justice Minister, Naomi Long MLA. They need to explain their action to their electorate.

David McNarry, Comber

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