Farewell to Chris Ryder – a writer paramilitaries could not silence

Chris RyderChris Ryder
Chris Ryder
Chris and I were members of the same class when we both attended St Mary’s Grammar School in Barrack Street, Belfast in the 1960s.

Even back then it was clear that he was destined for a very successful career in which his talents and exceptional penmanship could be utilised to the full.

He was an outstanding journalist and an extremely brave one who was a fearless critic of the nefarious activities of loyalist and republican paramilitaries, who often threatened him, but they were also unable to deter him from doing what was right.

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A strong supporter of the rule of law he was also a strong advocate of the need for reform of the RUC to make them acceptable in both sides of the community. Along with the recently deceased David Cook, they produced proposals for reform which were later taken up by Chris Patten.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Our paths regularly crossed during his journalistic career when I was in politics in Northern Ireland but unfortunately we lost touch until a couple of years ago, when we both attended a Van Morrison concert in the Europa Hotel.

My deepest sympathies go to his wife, Genny, his children and wider family circle.

May he rest in peace.

John Cushnahan, Former Alliance Party leader and Fine Gael MEP


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A message from the Editor:

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