If Leo Varadkar thinks Irish relations with the UK are bad he must not remember when Ireland harboured IRA terrorists

Leo Varadkar told the BBC he had never seen Britain-Ireland relations so badLeo Varadkar told the BBC he had never seen Britain-Ireland relations so bad
Leo Varadkar told the BBC he had never seen Britain-Ireland relations so bad
A letter from John Mulholland:

Leo Varadkar says that he has never seen Eire/UK relationship as bad!

What age is he?

He must not have been around when the Eire authorities refused to return suspected terrorists from their jurisdiction to stand trial or when they harboured terrorists to plan their attacks from their territory to murder and maim in Northern Ireland?

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

I could go on about their support for the IRA.

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Now the same Varadkar wants majority rule, In the News Letter the other day we had the president of the USA with Gerry Adams and Biden’s arm was also around a woman who was once charged with wounding a British soldier (‘Paisley raises O’Hare case in amendment’, June 30).

It would turn your stomach to see so many influential American politicians in a fellow Nato country, to whom theUK has been a close ally in war, support the Provisional republican movement, the terrorist wing of which attacked so many of our soldiers.

It seems that a lot of Biden’s party would back a non-Nato, freeloading country, the Republic of Ireland, rather than one who supports USA when it matters.

Well Leo, we can see that Eire politicians have thrown their dummies out of the pram.

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To unionists, this is more than about economics — economics is nonetheless important, and it has already been proven that we do far more trade with the mainland.

But to judge a country by its economy is wrong and is helping to destroy the planet where we live through climate change etc.

It is about our sovereignty and heritage.

True unionists would say Northern Ireland is not for sale at any price. As Ben Habib has pointed out, unionists must not let this government deceive hoodwink them again (‘We are being hoodwinked again by the Protocol bill,’ June 30).

Also, this applies to the EU and Eire also.

John Mulholland, Doagh

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