It is a time for a review of role and actions of the PSNI leadership, from the IRA funeral forward

Chief Constable Simon Byrne, with Deputy Chief Constable Mark Hamilton, speak outside PSNI headquarters on Saturday about Ormeau Road arrests. Ross Hussey says the Policing Board have to ask questions about the chief continually apologising for officers enforcing legislationChief Constable Simon Byrne, with Deputy Chief Constable Mark Hamilton, speak outside PSNI headquarters on Saturday about Ormeau Road arrests. Ross Hussey says the Policing Board have to ask questions about the chief continually apologising for officers enforcing legislation
Chief Constable Simon Byrne, with Deputy Chief Constable Mark Hamilton, speak outside PSNI headquarters on Saturday about Ormeau Road arrests. Ross Hussey says the Policing Board have to ask questions about the chief continually apologising for officers enforcing legislation
A letter from Ross M Hussey:

Has the chief constable of the PSNI finally handed control of the police over to Sinn Fein?

Within hours of an incident on the Ormeau Road in Belfast one young police officer has been suspended, another transferred to ‘other duties’ and a case referred to the Police Ombudsman’s office.

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The deputy first minister who has no control over policing issues a statement alleging ‘There appears to be a culture of double standards in the PSNI A culture of turning a blind eye to UDA and UVF thugs, while targeting those laying flowers on the anniversary of loved ones’ and immediately Simon Byrne rolls over.

First I make it crystal clear the ridiculous scenes in East Belfast were wrong and hopefully people have been identified and files send to the prosecution services.

In this instance an event was organised to commemorate the 29th anniversary of a horrific act of terror.

Did the organiser contact the police to advise them this event was planned?

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Did the organiser know there is currently a pandemic and there is a restriction on public gatherings whether it be a memorial event or indeed a funeral?

Why did the organiser feel it necessary to commemorate the 29th anniversary?

Other commemorative events including Remembrance Sunday events have been greatly restricted due to the current pandemic.

The 50th anniversary event into the barbaric act of savagery at Brougher Mountain when five innocent civilians were blown up by an IRA bomb on 9th February will not be able to happen at Brougher as the organisers respected the current limited numbers allowed to attend public gatherings.

Police responded to a breach of Covid regulations.

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A melee followed and a person was arrested, I appreciate that one arrested was the relative of one who died in the murderous attack, but does that put him or any other victim above the law?

So did the chief constable consult with his deputy chief constable or the chair of the Policing Board or some other officials within PSNI headquarters before he made this decision?

I notice he acted very quickly to suspend a police officer and it appears this young officer will be a sacrificial lamb.

Were there no other officers in headquarters to help?

Clearly republicans and loyalists have breached Covid regulations, in fact the deputy first minister clearly breached the regulations at the Storey funeral.

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This was not targeting victims laying flowers this was a breach of the Covid regulations nothing more nothing less.

The prosecution service have to ensure the law is equally applied to all, let us hope they don’t decide not to prosecute anyone over the funeral fiascos to be seen to be balanced, let us hope a single police officer is not going to be hung out to dry by the chief constable, the deputy chief constable, the senior command team, the policing board and their officials.

In view of the statement issued by the chief constable ‘We are now reviewing all footage of the incident including our officers’ Body Worn Video and have notified the Office of the Police Ombudsman, and we are carrying out an assessment of the conduct of the officers involved.’ and within hours an officer was suspended.

Why involve the Police Ombudsman when there wasn’t even enough time for a senior officer to assess what happened?

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I have always given the chief constable the ‘benefit of the doubt’, but surely deputy chief constable Mark Hamilton would have urged the chief to proceed with caution?

Maybe it is time a review of the role of the senior command team and their actions from the Storey funeral forward should be conducted by HM Inspector of Constabulary?

The Policing Board also have to ask questions as to the chief continually apologising for officers enforcing legislation — they have a job to do on the ground and a weakened chief constable and senior command team which does not provide support should consider their position.

Ross M Hussey, Co Tyrone

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