It is time for an Organisational and Individual Legal Duty of Candour within the health service

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
A letter from Gerry Cullen:

Another day another health inquiry report and yet more apologies from the health minister and more promises to do better by senior health management (‘Systems and processes failed neurologist’s patients, inquiry finds, as 76 recommendations are made,’ June 21, see link below).

We have heard it all before.

It is way past time all recommendations from Justice John O’ Hara’s Hypotraemia Inquiry were implemented.

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The obstruction and prevarication by senior civil servants, professional medical bodies and politicians to the implementation of an Organisational and Individual Legal Duty of Candour within the health service should be set aside to put patients and families at the centre of healthcare.

Action not more words are needed.

Gerry Cullen, Dungannon