Joe Biden’s idea of America is akin more to the Orange tradition than any other

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Robert Wallace:

Might I be permitted, via the News Letter, to address an open letter to the President of the United States.

Mr President, you may not be ‘stupid’ but you are remarkably ill-informed (‘Biden fumbles arguably the best-known Irish language phrase and implies the Irish are stupid,’ March 19, see link below).

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You have repeatedly insisted that we accept the Northern Ireland Protocol and the Good Friday Agreement without the right to change.

The Founding Fathers of the United States in the pre-revolutionary period (1763-1776) saw themselves as defending the 1689 constitutional settlement against the perceived encroachments of King George and Lord North.

Indeed the Declaration of Independence (1776) is the clearest and most precise definition of the Whig contract theory of government. ‘The Idea’ which you declare to be the basis of the United States is, in reality, akin more to the Orange tradition than any other. Did not George Washington declare ‘If I am defeated everywhere else I will make my last stand for liberty amongst the Scotch-Irish of my native Virginia?’

In reality the situation which you ask the people of Northern Ireland to accept runs contrary to the principles of the Declaration of Independence. When Michelle O’Neill lauds IRA murderers she implies the threat of violence against the citizens of Northern Ireland. This is incompatible with the “inalienable” right to “life”. The EU is not our government, we do not elect or input to it therefore to be subject to its dictates is a negation of our “inalienable” right to “liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

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I am sure you will agree that the Declaration of Independence, being a universal declaration, applies to Northern Ireland and bestows upon us all of its precepts including the assertion “that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it ...”.

Robert Wallace, Portadown

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