Letter: Amid all the negativity of recent weeks, public can still be assured police are working tirelessly day and night to keep them safe

A letter from president of SANI, Chief Superintendent Anthony McNally:
Simon Byrne yesterday resigned as chief constable with immediate effect. The Superintendents’ Association of Northern Ireland (SANI) said the decision of Mr Byrne to resign ends a period of "worrying uncertainty and great disquiet" within the service, with its president, Chief Superintendent Anthony McNally, adding that they are committed to  continuing to deliver "professional policing services for the entire community"Simon Byrne yesterday resigned as chief constable with immediate effect. The Superintendents’ Association of Northern Ireland (SANI) said the decision of Mr Byrne to resign ends a period of "worrying uncertainty and great disquiet" within the service, with its president, Chief Superintendent Anthony McNally, adding that they are committed to  continuing to deliver "professional policing services for the entire community"
Simon Byrne yesterday resigned as chief constable with immediate effect. The Superintendents’ Association of Northern Ireland (SANI) said the decision of Mr Byrne to resign ends a period of "worrying uncertainty and great disquiet" within the service, with its president, Chief Superintendent Anthony McNally, adding that they are committed to continuing to deliver "professional policing services for the entire community"

Following the resignation of the chief constable, we are committed to do what we can to work with colleagues to ensure that we continue to deliver professional policing services for the entire community.

The negativity which has played out over the past few weeks only serves to undermine the amazing police work going on every day in all communities across NI.

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As the Superintendents’ Association, we want to assure the public that whilst the current matters are being worked through, we are working tirelessly day and night with our teams to keep you safe.

To our many dedicated and hardworking front line and support teams across policing who work collectively to protect our communities, including putting themselves in harm’s way, we are immensely proud of you and you have our unwavering support.

The PSNI has delivered for the public in the past 20 years and, as the superintending ranks working alongside other staff associations, we want confidence in our service to grow.

As a next step, we will be inviting the Senior Executive Team to meet with our executive and set out their plans to address our concerns and build confidence in policing and its leadership amongst the public and the organisation.

Chief Superintendent Anthony McNally

President, Superintendents’ Association of Northern Ireland (SANI)

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