Letter: It should be a right to have a bank account in modern Britain - closing someone's account on them is a type of tyranny

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Louis Shawcross:

Why is it that banks can create a "non-person" by closing someone's bank accounts and other banks refusing to set up accounts for the same person? This is what Nigel Farage claims has happened to him.

In modern Britain, people need a bank account. It should be a right to have a bank account. This is a type of tyranny. "No man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Rev 13:17). How is someone to live without a bank account? Must they go round doors requesting to do odd jobs for money?

Louis Shawcross, Hillsborough